How to Live a Fruitful Life

how to live a fruitful life
We want to live a fruitful life in the Kingdom of God—but sometimes we seem to be moving through our days without making much of a difference (or so we think). The Parable of the Sower helps us consider how to cultivate a fruitful life for the kingdom, right where we are.

We started a potted garden on our back deck last summer. My daughter, Karis, chose strawberries and I chose rosemary and a thornless blackberry bush.

Karis watered them all religiously and a few weeks after we planted them, she ran into the house. “I ate a strawberry, mom!”

The next week we left for vacation. The plants all died—except for the resilient blackberry bush. It turns out, leaving for vacation weeks on end and not hiring a plant sitter will make them literally die of thirst. Plants need nutritious soil and plenty of sun and water to flourish.

In a similar way, our spiritual lives need nourishment as well in order to produce fruit (Galatians 5:22–26).

But what does it look like to cultivate the soil of our spiritual lives?

In this week’s episode, we listen to the Parable of the Soils where we hear three important steps to cultivate the soil of our hearts from Luke 8:15:

1. Listen to the Word.

2. Retain the Word.

3. Persevere in following the Word.


Are you reading or listening to the Word regularly?

Are you memorizing the Word regularly?

Are you persevering in following the Word?

When we do these things, fruitfulness for the Kingdom of God will follow.


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