The Truth About Jesus: Words from Demons, Rulers, and Disciples
Discover the profound revelation of what others said about Jesus in the Gospels.
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Discover the profound revelation of what others said about Jesus in the Gospels.
When I was a new Christian, I heard about having a “devotion time,” but what did that mean? Why? Here are some thoughts and a place to start.
Many times we need God’s guidance in situations not clearly addressed in Scripture. How can we know what to do? We can follow Jesus’ example when he needed guidance as well.
Many people set goals for the new year, but sometimes we can plan God out of His leading in our lives. How can we both plan and yield to his leading? Here’s some suggestions.
Bible prophesy can build our faith in who Jesus is.
Thanksgiving can be a holiday of both joy and grief, so how do we hold both as we gobble turkey or watch the game?
We can have confident faith in Jesus because of this one Old Testament prophesy Jesus fulfilled.
Intentional living fosters a well-soul. But how can we discern what to say yes to and what to let go of? Here is the art of the spiritual discipline of prioritizing.
How can we know truth? Does it simply take reasoning? Faith? Both? Here are some guiding principles to help you along your truth journey.
Sometimes life feels like a mess—desperation, depression, or brokenness in various forms. But in the Story of the Gospel from Genesis 4 and 5—and elsewhere, we find hope and help.
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